MMag. Sigrid Koloo

Sigrid Koloo is the founder and managing director of Koloo Projects, which she launched in 2010. With a deep passion for sustainable development, she is dedicated to implementing business strategies that are not only ecologically sound but also socially relevant. Her expertise spans a wide range of areas, from sustainability reporting and data management (CSRD/ESRS, EMAS, waste management concepts, carbon accounting) to the development and management of impactful research projects.

Sigrid Koloo leverages her experience and knowledge to develop innovative strategies and tools that help companies establish sustainable and participatory business practices. She facilitates workshops and training sessions aimed at embedding more sustainability and engagement in the business world. Her approach not only promotes business growth but also fosters a responsible and future-oriented economy.

“Sustainability is not just a goal but a journey. Together, we shape the path towards a sustainable economy.”


Education & Training

  • Business Administration and International Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and in the USA
  • Certified Adult Education Trainer
  • Certified Energy Consultant under ARGE EBA
  • Art of Hosting Practitioner

Professional Roles

  • Since 2010, entrepreneur, managing director, and owner of Koloo Projects
  • Course Director & Examiner for the “Certified Sustainability Manager” program
  • Expert in the klimaaktiv expert pool
  • Member of the steering committee for the Sustainability Index project, board member of FuturAbility e.G.
  • Board member of RISE – Association for the Promotion of Education & Research for Sustainable Development
  • Coordinator of the Economic Initiative at SDG Watch Austria
  • External lecturer at FH Joanneum in Graz for Consumer Behavior
  • Supervisor of theses at Danube University Krems and FH Joanneum
  • Examiner for the state business exam at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Author on topics such as marketing, business plans, personnel, organization, communication, and leadership
  • Editor for the matrix development team on the topics “C1 Dignity in the Workplace” and “D2 Cooperation and Solidarity with Other Companies”
  • Mentor in the “Mentoring for Migrants” project of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
  • Consultant and mentor in the Experts of Change network
  • Listed consultant for subsidized business consulting in several federal states, such as Ökobusiness Vienna or Ökomanagement Lower Austria.


Koloo S. (2023): IMRATE– Decentralized Sustainability Assessment Based on Open Governance, in Posch W., Vorbach S., Zsifkovits H., Feichtinger G. (Hrsg) (2023): Erfolg durch nachhaltiges Energie- und Ressourcenmanagement, Sustainability Management for Industries, Band 10, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden

Berger U., Koloo S., Wolfram M. (2023): Am Puls der Zeit, in: WIFI-Magazin LENA 2023/24, WIFI Österreich, Wien

Butscher A, Kasper M., Koloo S., Riedel H. (2021): SDGs und kommunale Gemeinwohl-Bilanz – Wie die Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen mit der Gemeinwohl-Bilanz von Städten, Kreisen und Gemeinden verknüpft werden können. Analysen und Konzepte. LebensWerte Kommune – Ausgabe 1-2021. Hrsg. Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh

Blachfellner M., Drosg-Plöckinger A., Fieber S., Hofielen G., Knakrügge L., Kofranek M., Koloo S., Loy C., Rüther C., Sennes D., Sörgel R., Teriete M. (2017): Arbeitsbuch zur Gemeinwohl-Bilanz 5.0. Hrsg. Matrix-Entwicklungs-Team, Wien